

A Fatherhood Friday: At the Princess Ball

{Editor's Note: this was composed on Friday but didn't get posted in time for Fatherhood Friday.  We apologize!}

This week will be a slight departure from the theology of adoption as I share about a fun experience I had today with Elisona.

Ellie has been studying fairy tales in her Kindergarten class for the last several weeks, so we have heard things like "Fe Fi Fo Fum" and have been asked if we could grow magic beans sometime that can 'burst through the ceiling.'  We told her to ask Gjyshe about that, though I don't think Pioneer makes that hybrid of bean.  Since today was the last day in the fairy tale section and next week is spring break, three kindergarten classes combined to have 'A Princess Ball' this afternoon.  Parents were invited to dress up and attend, and Elisona asked me to come as her prince!

Here is Ellie with her friend, Kaden.  She is curtsy-ing

Ellie was quite excited to have her Prince present so he could save her from the "Wicked Stepmother" (her teacher, Mrs. B)  ;-)

Who's the fairest of them all?

Below:  here is Ellie dancing with Kaden to the Humpty Dumpty song...

What a special afternoon to make memories with my daughter!

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

Nathan and Ellie, what a fun event and as you stated a precious memory!