

Trip to Indiana

As Nathan alluded to in the previous post, we traveled up with our student cabinet to our mission headquarters on Thursday night, returning yesterday.  It was a whirlwind trip but a lot of fun to leave work and school and the familiar surroundings of Wilmore for a little bit.  Here's an assortment of images from our trip...

We work with a GREAT group of students, though this particular photo cracks me up.  We can't figure out what Doug and Isaac are doing (front row, middle & right).  In spite of how it looks, Isaac is not infirm. It's the best close-up that I got of the group.  It was FREEZING! (20 degrees colder than it was in Wilmore!)

Ellie chilled on the iPad while Reni napped and we moved some office furniture around.  She got excited when we finished that project early and went outside to comb the massive property for sticks that had fallen during the winter.  Riding the trailer around behind the 4-wheeler was her favorite part of the weekend!
Reni and Daddy practicing their "smolder" (you have to see Tangled, to get that -- and I need to get a better photo of Reni because he's really beginning to nail that look.)

Ellie's not too thrilled to be returning to school in the morning... As I look at my upcoming week, I'm working to be able to leave on Thursday for a women's retreat up in Ohio.  At some point during the retreat I've been given 15 minutes to share about Reni's adoption story.  I would appreciate your prayers for clarity as I still try to hone in on what I'm to share!  Have a great week!  We're going to clean a guestroom and prepare for our 2nd-to-last Global Cafe` of the semester now!  WOW!!!

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

Wish we had known you were in our "back yard". Actually, we were unpacking from our trip to NJ and Texas, but to see you all would have been great!!! We are going to be going through Lexington in July. We're hoping to get to show your kids to our family--Tim, Marty, Kathi, Audrey and Tessa. Maybe we can meet for a quickie meal in Lex. Love ya!!!