

Good Friday

I can’t think of many things worse than being rejected.  From being picked last on the playground to being turned down for a job application, our lives are full of potential rejections.  But when we are rejected by someone close to us, the pain intensifies.  I know families torn apart through divorce, where the commitments made on the wedding day are replaced by accusations and disillusionment.   But I can’t imagine a deeper rejection than when a child is rejected by their parents!

Even now as I write on this topic there is an indescribable sadness in my heart to think of the pain my beautiful Elisona and courageous David Reni will experience as they struggle with the circumstances that caused them to be abandoned.  Every adoption begins with pain!   But God is redeeming the pain of our kids.  As I type Ellie and Reni are enjoying time with PaPa playing with his iPad photo booth app.  I don’t know who is having the most fun!  All I know is that there is a lot of laughter!

A little over 2000 years ago, a Father rejected his Son.  “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!”   Jesus had already been rejected by the crowds, “Crucify Him!” and even some of his closest disciples “I don’t know the man!”  But the rejection, by his Father was the worst!  Some believe what really killed Jesus was the immense sorrow of his Father’s rejection as he carried my sins and yours.  He did it all so we could be adopted into God’s family!  Adoption always begins with pain. 

On this “Good Friday” I am reminded of the sacrifice Jesus made for my adoption, and I am eternally grateful!  But I am also grateful that when my Ellie and my Reni suffer through their feelings of rejection, they will have a savior who can relate.


Aunt Ruth said...

Thinking of your family and your special time together this week-end. We love and respect your family so much. God has rescued Ellie and Reni and HE will be with them for the difficult times. Blessed Easter to all.

Kelly said...

Great post!! How thankful we all should be to have a Savior that has walked our walk. What an amazing plan for our adoption.