

Easter, Part 2: the Bunny & the Hunt

This particular cake design was a tradition started by Nonna's mother, if I remember correctly.

Ellie's reaction didn't disappoint.  Reni went straight for the candy.
After a yummy breakfast on Saturday morning, we went straight out to the front yard while enjoying a break in the clouds.  It was also QUITE windy (which is why you barely see Ellie's face in any of these photos).  And yes, she is wearing her jammy pants.

I think when they get older the treats might be slightly more difficult to locate.

If you look at the photo above and the photo below, you'll notice that an extra egg appears in the grass between the two shutter clicks.  Realizing that Reni's short stride makes it longer for him to cover distances, a certain family member was discovered to be tossing eggs in Reni's general direction to save him time and effort.  ;-)

Yes, that is our son who appears to have some OCD tendencies.  We just can't have grass stuck to our eggs...

Reni had great help from Aunt Rebecca.  I love this pic.

(above) Does this need a caption?


Kelly said...

Love all the pictures! We "attempted" a bunny cake--not nearly as cute as yours!

Aunt Ruth said...

What fun pictures!!! Two precious children!!! What is more precious than Family Love!!!