

What to do on a snow day...

... make Christmas gifts for Ellie's teachers! Between her teacher, teacher's aide, special ed teacher and her assistant, the bus driver and bus monitor... Ellie has quite the team behind her and we wanted them to know our appreciation. After viewing the forecast for the week, we did this project on Tuesday. Good thing she took them to school on Wednesday because it's the only day she had school all week!

Only because I need blog content am I letting you see my messy kitchen... I don't normally keep Oxy Clean on my counter. Don't worry -- it wasn't one of the ingredients. I think we we were running the SpotBot on some carpet stains (Reni ground eye shadow into the carpet -- that would have been a whole 'nother post if I had photos).

We let Ellie use a knife, so she was all about helping!

Reni wanted to be up where he could see all the activity and gives his approval while sampling some Craisins.

I love the little bits of flour on her face here!
We were making bags of dry cookie ingredients. The recipe? Choco-cranberry Nuggets

Of course, we had to test the recipe. The bag in the middle shows the finished product.


The Wofford family said...

How cute! Good work!

Meredith said...

Such a cute idea for a gift! Do we have a baker in our midst? :)

Anonymous said...

Ellie, I love these pictures! I know your teachers were so pleased with your gift. Reni looks excited and full of anticipation for a cookie sample! And, I'm more than excited about gathering you and Reni in my arms on December 26th!

Nonna and PaPa

Aunt Ruth said...

How fun and creative you are!!! The children are darling and beautiful. My arms are aching for hugs form "little ones". They grow up quickly so cherish every minute. God Bless all 4 of you!!!

Melissa said...

What a cute idea. It looks like Ellie really had fun making those gifts. And I'm sure her teachers will love them.