

Video: Reni's first moments in his new legs

Check the post below for accompanying photographs...


Anonymous said...

This is great! We love his little shoes. This video is going to be played over and over. It is priceless! What a blessing for modern medical technology! PTL!
Thanks for your sharing this moment with all of us.
Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

We are so excited!!! Reni is a trooper and God will help him learn this skill. We will be sharing the you tube of Reni and his new legs. All Praise to our Loving HEAVENLY FATHER!!! Love and Prayers, Aunt Ruth

Anonymous said...

Nathan and Cydil--
I had tears in my eyes watching Reni make his first steps...the benefit of this process is that you knew to have the video camera ready! :) (We didn't capture that moment for either of ours) With all of the excitement who can blame Ellie for not wanting to miss a minute of it! Best wishes to you all!
Jenni Luke

Diana Neel said...

What a blessing! So great to see! Thank you for sharing!!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

That was AMAZING! I also loved the photos. HE is amazing.

The Ritzmanns said...

What a fantastic video. He is such a cute little guy. Congrats to Reni!

Rebecca said...

WOOOHOO Reni!!!!! First steps are HUGE!! Jacob took his first steps this week also. Praising God with you!!

Kami Rice said...

Yay! So fun to see!

Richelle said...

This is such a miracle! I had flashbacks of watching my daughter walk for the first time (when she was 6 years old), and it's just priceless! In case you're wondering, I am a cousin of Amy Kinnell, and she had posted a link to your blog on her blog. I'm so glad she did! What a blessing! Good luck to you all and God bless!

Melissa said...

Wow! Brings tears fo joys to my eyes. Just amazing.