

Orchard Visit

Today we took Aunt Hannah and Gigi to the local orchard. I really wanted to shoot down the long rows of apple trees but alas, the sun was shining the wrong way. And yes, it is THAT dry down here. So sad.

Nothing wrong with Reni's eyesight. Whenever he saw Ellie and Nathan at the top, he got really excited.

At the end of her first slide, Ellie hollared, "Yahoo!"

Here Ellie is saying, "I'm driving the tractor!"
Not exactly sure where that came from, except perhaps that the slide was bumpy?


Aunt Ruth said...

What Fun!!! Beautiful weather, beautiful pumpkins, and most beautiful of all---the beautiful children!!

Doreen Nixon said...

What beautiful pictures - we took our boys to "Pumpkin Land" today - much the same as your Orchard visit - it was great fun - of course we got lost in the maze! Ellie really had fun on that slide. What a great day thank you for sharing it with us.

hannah said...

love the pitures of reni at the orchad vist with his aunt hannah and his giyi and his mom and dad