

Momentous Day -- First Fitting

We got a phone call on Tuesday from Chris at Shriner's that Reni's new legs were ready for a fitting. Could we come in on Wednesday? Of course we said, YES! As always, Reni LOVES the toys at Shriners! He even tried to crawl inside (like he does in our cabinets).

(Below) We got to meet one of Faith's co-workers who followed Reni's story this summer! She was very nice and we look forward to seeing her on future visits!

Here is Chris putting on Reni's new legs. All Reni could remember was that he was the same guy who cast his legs a few weeks ago. Not sure what was going on, Reni was all tears but they didn't last long.

Those tears disappeared pretty quick when he got to stand up taller than ever!

As you can imagine, it was a pretty thrilling moment to experience.

Reni figured out pretty quickly how to move those feet. Like his shoes? Shortly after we arrived we were given Reni's shoe size and basic instructions on what kind of footwear would work best. We visited three different stores before we found one open. We bought four pairs and let Chris select the most appropriate ("flatness" was key for optimal balance). The others were returned after our appointment.

I LOVE this photo of Reni (above). I wonder what he's thinking?

These legs will proceed with a bit more 'finish' work and straps cut to size before we can pick them up early next week.

After about 20-30 minutes in his legs, his skin was evaluated for irritation and he passed without any time restrictions. Chris called these his "training legs". They're basically for Reni to learn how to stand and balance and perhaps take a few steps. They're not meant to be worn all the time. Already, he said Reni was demonstrating remarkable balance and mobility. We look forward to getting them home to practice more!

By the way, Ellie was SO excited to see the photos and watch the videos. She's made a special request to come with us when we pick them on next week after they are finished.

We encourage you to check back again soon as we have some videos that are slowly uploading. They should be ready to view sometime Thursday...


Aunt Ruth said...

Oh precious Reni!!!! The legs and shoes look great. Reni will have it all figured out soon. It appears he likes sneakers!!! How much joy this little boy has added to all of our lives. How neat that Ellie requests to be present next week when Reni actually "gets" his legs. Thank you, Jesus. We rejoice in your love to the Waggoners and little Reni and precious Ellie.
All our love and Prayers,

Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth

Jan said...

cute, cute, cute! I'd love to know what he's thinking too!

Kjernald Family Adventures said...

I love how excited he is to be ''playing'' with the legs. His expression is so cool.


Lindsey Carney said...

This is so exciting, he's so adorable. I love his facial expressions over his shoes!

Rebecca W said...

What an exciting day! Amazing answers to prayers! SO excited to spend time with each of you this coming week!

Aunt Rebecca

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a thrilling day for all of us who love our Reni!! As we watch the video and view the pictures, we cry, we laugh, we praise God!! I can't help but wish that Duzi, the Sisters, and Reni's little friends in the orphanage could see this post.

Ellie, isn't it wonderful to see Reni's first pair of legs, his little feet, and cool tennis shoes!!

We love each of you!
Dad and Mom