

Uncle Jack & Aunt Ruth Visit

This afternoon we were pleased to enjoy a brief visit with Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth. They treated us to Ellie's favorite restaurant: McDonald's. She was thrilled to ride to and from Nicholasville in their car and spent the bulk of our time making new friends and climbing all over the the playplace. Scroll down for a video of Reni pulling off a surprising feat on the sliding board and an update on his continuing medical check ups.

Today Reni and I spent several hours at the University of Kentucky Clinic for his intake at the International Adoption Clinic. Everyone who takes their child there knows of the dreaded visit to the lab for the bloodwork. We had a great flobotomist who got all ten or twelve vials of blood in only one stick. Reni cried, but really was a great trooper. We also visited the Radiology department at the UK Hospital to have a sonogram performed on his kidneys. We're praying for a good report -- kidney issues usually accompany limb deficiencies like Reni has.

Tomorrow morning we're going in for try #2 for Reni's MRI. His lungs got a clear report from Dr. Taylor (so sedation shouldn't present any issues), and she also told us his ears are good too -- which is a relief. Thanks for your interest and prayers for our little guy!
And thanks to Uncle Jack for the photos!


Doreen Nixon said...

Now I understand - thought the blood work was cos of his chest - how is he doing with his sleeping at night now - any better - I certainly hope that you are managing to have better nights. Also been praying about Ellie's settling in to school - has she settled in now? Will be praying for good reports on his kidney sonar and also his MRI tomorrow. I loved the pictures at the Horse Fair they both seemed to have a wonderful day - and don't tell anyone McDOnalds is also my fav. Be Blessed.

Rebecca W said...

Great for Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth's visit... What an amazing slide climb!! Praying for the appointments and results tomorrow.
Love Aunt Rebecca :)

Anonymous said...

Such special pictures today as Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth visited with you. Isn't our Reni something, climbing up that slide? Ellie looks as if she is growing and maturing so quickly. I love the pigtails!

Love to each of you!
Mom and Dad

Amy said...

Reni has to have arm muscles like Superman. Bravo, Reni!

The Wofford family said...

That's awesome! Good thing you always have your cameras ready!