

One month at home!

Yesterday we were pleased to enjoy a visit with Nathan's Aunt Elaine and Uncle Ken, from Ft. Myers, FL. Due to distance, we understandably don't get to see them all that often, but were glad that Reni was home in time for their planned trip to Wilmore so they could meet him in person. It's special to introduce him to each and every member of our families -- and we've just begun!

Yesterday was another big day of appointments. It started out with Reni's MRI on his left leg. This time he was cleared for sedation and after fighting sleep, conked out for the scan. Nathan was told that Reni would probably sleep all morning from the sedation, however less than a minute after the MRI was finished, he woke right up and didn't go back to sleep.
Following the MRI, Nathan and Reni drove to Shriners. After reviewing the scan, it was determined that whatever he has below his femur needs more time to calcify before it can be used as a joint. We will pray that this happens! As such, the plan for his prosthetics changed slightly from our intial meeting two weeks ago. Instead of having a "below-the-knee" prosthetic on his left leg and a prosthetic with an articulating knee joint on his right, Reni will have two straight leg prosthetics (with no articulating joints). This seems more limiting to me, but perhaps it will make the process of learning to walk much easier.
Reni was cast for his new prosthetics and will go in for a fitting in about three weeks. They measured his arm from elbow to wrist to estimate a size for his artificial feet. They then measured his "wingspan" to estimate his height, and subtracted one inch to lower his center of gravity. We're excited about moving forward in this area and can't wait to see what kinds of changes this will bring for his mobility.
Yesterday marked one month at home and we marvel at God's goodness in blessing us with this little boy. He's such a content and happy little guy. He laughs easily and is so generous with the smiles. It's hard to be down when you're around him -- all you have to do is make eye contact and he'll flash you a grin. He loves to crawl over or under anything (kitchen or dining room chairs as well as the drying rack are his favorite substitutes for jungle gyms) and if he catches you watching him, he giggles like he knows he's up to no good.
Thanks for checking in and thanks for your interest in our family!

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

I cannot agree more about Reni's happy personality!! He has already brought so much joy to his immediate family. The extended family loves him too and he has made us happy also. God has been at work in Reni's life from day one. He has special plans for him. We wait with expectation to see how God is going to use this child. Love and Prayers,