

Sick Days

Last week I ordered some more Berenstain Be*rs books to read with Ellie. Since our special time together alone in Kentucky while Daddy remained in Albania, we developed the habit of reading in bed for 30-40 minutes before going to sleep. Don't misunderstand, we always read together -- it's an activity that we mutually enjoy. Now we have a designated time for our reading and it's usually 3-4 books followed by a Bible story right before prayers. She LOVES "the Bears" (they've been great for relating life lessons to her in an understandable way) and while we have quite a few stories, they were getting redundant and we needed some new material.

I am not clairvoyant but appropriately ordered the book "Sick Days". It pretty much describes the cycle of sickness we've experienced. Sister Bear gets sick and passes it to Momma. Except Papa Bear takes care of Momma Bear when she is sick. In our case, both Nathan and I have fallen ill. Fast. Together. The long days, short nights, and school germies made us inevitable candidates. Since last night we've had the chills, the fevers, the lethargy. It's not easy when you have two young ones to care for.

Last night we debated cancelling Reni's MRI appointment this morning. I hate to cancel on anyone at the last minute, particularly when you have the first appointment session of the day (7:30).

The rule was, "no food or drink four hours before the sedation." True to form, at 3:45 Reni woke up and wanted a bottle of hot milk. Except we couldn't give it to him. He got mad. And didn't go back to sleep, crying off and on til about 6AM. We felt feverish most of the night but the Tylenol started to take effect for us around the time Reni stopped crying so we decided to go for it.

Mark came and took Ellie to school and we left for Lexington. We were the first people in the waiting room for nearly 30 minutes. We waited another 30 minutes to be called back. Within 30 seconds the nurse asked if Reni has any congestion. Why yes, he's had congestion since we the first day we met him. She promptly told us the MRI was not happening today. It would have been nice if we knew that ahead of time. We want what's safe for Reni, but it was difficult news nonetheless.

We're putting him back on the stronger antibiotics which we discontinued after he started vomiting two courses into the treatment. Hopefully that will clear up the congestion and the MRI can be rescheduled soon.

In the mean time, we texted Mark and he graciously returned to our home to care for Reni while we collapsed in bed. We're still wiped out and watching Charley Brown in bed with Ellie while Reni plays on the floor. Oh the joys of parenthood.

P.S. I have a theory: starting school so early into August has bumped up the flu season before we can get the preventative shots (last year H1N1 came to KY in September). I'm not a medical professional. Just guessin'.

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

Oh my goodness!!! Thank goodness for Mark!!! Nathan and Cydil, please take care. You will all be fine soon. I love to hear about the reading time for Cydil and Ellie. Also glad that she's going to make sure her Mommy gets to heaven--even if she has to call a rocket.
What special insight Ellie has!!!