

Family photos

When Jan visited a few weeks ago, she graciously photographed us as a new family of four. You can see some of her favorites on her blog here (and while you're there, click around her sites -- you'll enjoy some beautiful photos!). What a treasure to have these done so soon after bringing David Reni home.


Melissa and Bob said...

Love the photos! What a great looking family :)

Doreen Nixon said...

What beautiful pictures of your family - loved the camping pictures as well - looked like Ellie was having such fun toasting those marshmallows. I hope David Reni has settled into his new sleep pattern and you are all getting a bit more sleep.

Aunt Ruth said...

Oh my goodness!!! What great photos of a very special family. Thanks Jan!! Love Ellie's skirt! Is it from Land's End? We rejoice in God's hand and His wonderful love to you and your family. See you soon!

Cydil said...

Aunt Ruth -- Ellie's skirt is a Ralph Lauren bargain from a department store (via Gigi).

Anonymous said...

what gorgeous pictures!
Aunt Dianna

Jennifer said...

Loved the family photos. What a great family!