

Catching up on pics: Reni Sees His Room

Here are some pics from Nathan's and Reni's late night/early morning arrival. Reni's room doesn't look nearly so tidy anymore. Primarily because we've had to make room for a twin-sized aero-bed which has been set up in a quasi-permanent fashion in the corner of the room. Our overnights have been punctuated by frequent evening cries (as in anywhere from 4-6 times per night) so Nathan has taken to sleeping in there with Reni. Lest you think I'm dumping that responsibility on Nathan, I have tried, but lack the special touch. After 30 minutes of hard crying the other night, Nathan came in and had Reni asleep in his arms in less than a couple of minutes.
During the day, our little guy continues to be his pleasant, charming self. He continues to learn new tricks and games. Let's see... today he fed himself about half of his supper off a spoon. He also pushed his sister (who weighs exactly twice what he weights) back and forth on their John Deere tractor across the length of our living & dining room, showing off for Anne, our social worker, who visited us tonight for our first post placement report. Our days continue to fly by -- busy with our kids and campus work. This weekend we're taking our student cabinet on a camping retreat (which Ellie is positively thrilled about) so hopefully that event will generate some more current photos. ;-)
Thanks for checking in!

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

Can't believe you-all were able to stay awake after getting home from the airport!!! The adrenaline was defintely pumping that late night--and AM. Reni will get adjusted soon to his beautiful family and home.
The weather is suppose to be real nice this week-end for your camping. Tonight we are praying for rain. All my gardens are desperate for moisture. it's always a bright spot in my day to see pictures of your precious family. See you soon. Love, Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth