

Best Buddies

This photo is actually a couple of weeks old, but I found it this afternoon and thought I would post it as I know everyone only comes here for the photos of the kids, right?

Tomorrow morning is Reni's MRI of his left leg. No food or drink for 4 hours prior to the scan (because he has to be sedated) determined for us that we would schedule the earliest appointment they had available -- hence we have to be in Lexington by 7:15. Immediately after the MRI we will stop by Shriners and consult with Dr. Walker over the results and what it will mean for the type of prosthetic Reni will get on the left leg.

We're praying she finds good cartilage so that he might have a usable, biological knee! What God created is infinitely better than what man can create! We'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

Hi you all. We are in Sturgeon Bay, WI on a much-needed relaxing vacation.

We are praying for Reni's appointment tomorrow. See you next Wednesday afternoon. What time does Ellie get home from school.