

Summer Saturday Picnic

The park was very busy, but I thought we snagged the best picnic spot on site.

I love this image of Els, taking a rare moment to be still and enjoy her surroundings

Ellie has an expressive face, but I must say this look of concentration is not an expression with which I am very familiar. She was really interested in mastering these levers and I was very proud of her effort.

Many have asked for an adoption update. To put it briefly, we are still waiting upon the return of our I-800A (a request for an immigration extension and approval of our home study update to adopt "special needs"). The average turn around time has been about 4 weeks. If that holds true, we should hear something at the end of this week, or sometime early next week. We will then need to hear a reply from our I-800 before a court date can be set. We're hoping to travel at the end of this month to begin the requisite 2 week bonding time before two appearances in court (which closes down for the month of August) so we really need to hear something soon! Thank you for your prayers!


Unknown said...

Will keep you all in my prayers. You have so much patience at this time - not sure I could do it. Love the latest pics.

Aunt Ruth said...

Thank you for the update. Be assured of our continued love and prayers,

Carl and Lois said...

The picnic pictures are so special!
Ellie's look of wonder is priceless. How did she do with the sand digger?

We wait and earnestly pray with you!

Dad and Mom