

Sunday Afternoon on the Kayak

We have been mainly posting about David Reni recently and because a lot of what we are experiencing doesn't lend itself to pictures, our blog has been more 'wordy' than normal. This past Sunday afternoon after church (while Cydil was shooting a wedding), Ellie, our friend Mark and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful day and take the kayak out on the river. It was great to unplug from life for a while and enjoy God's creation. I hope the pictures from our waterproof point and shoot camera allow you to enjoy a little of it as well.

Ellie thought my hat was hilarious!

If you ever hear Ellie talking about 'going boating' she is talking about this, not some impressive schooner.

Elisona is becoming all legs! That life jacket seemed way too big for her when we got it, but I think this is our last season before investing in a bigger one. (By next summer it should fit David!) :-)

Mark is one of Ellie's favorite 'students'! He is great with her and she loves it when he is available to baby sit. When he comes over she says, "You can go now. Bye bye mommy and daddy!"

I know summer hasn't officially begun, but the mist rising off of the very cold water near the Lake Herrington Dam was a great way to beat the heat.


Aunt Ruth said...

Thanks for sharing your girl with us. We love the blog!! Love and Prayers,

Melissa said...

Great photos. She is just adorable. We love to kayak too!