

Special Request to All Blog Readers...

As we embark on what many would consider the "exciting and adventurous" part of the international adoption experience, I find my heart feeling some trepidation. All of the stressful memories of our adoption trip for Ellie are flooding back. I suppose it's probably not all that different from the feelings many women have as they approach the arrival of baby #2 or #3 or so on and recall the pain of childbirth. Nonetheless, while stressful moments are an inevitable part of the journey, I don't want Satan to steal my joy from what should be a wonderful time of anticipation and making lifelong memories as a family!

I am not making a shameless plea for blog comments. I know some of you who are faithful readers, yet rarely (if ever) post comments because you'll let us know in other ways that you're keeping up with our lives. I know from our blog stats however that there are dozens of others out there who follow us on this blog on a pretty regular basis. We just don't know who you are!

If you "have our back" and are following us on this adoption journey, would you do us the favor becoming a "Follower" (see box at bottom). There will be times that we will solicit specific prayer requests and it would serve as an enormous encouragement to know who out there in the blogosphere is "joining" us on this journey. And if you want to leave a comment to let us know that you are praying, that would be awesome, especially when we are over in Albania!

That's all!

One more thing: this is a double-poster day. Scroll down to read another post about our preparations!


Carissa Martin said...

Cydil & Nathan-
We are with you!! Reading from Nebraska, praying, and knowing all of the butterflies of adoption. God has gone before you! Ps. 139:5 & Deut 1:30.

verlos said...

I am so excited for your family! I have been praying for you and your trip.

Joann said...

My girls and I will pray for you on this journey. May God watch over you as you bring David Reni home.