

PreSchool is Over!

Ellie with her teacher, Ms. K
Oh cool! Presents!

with Mr. Russell, the special ed teacher for her room (she has gotten into a very UN-cooperative stage with the camera!)

Ms. Janie (an aide in the room) did a lot with Ellie from her first days of school nearly two years ago... I think they're special pals

I think Ms. Mildred (the other aide in the classroom) was caught off guard by the intensity of this hug!

Ellie and the bus crew. Next year she moves up to the big kids bus with no monitor! (gulp)!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful and precious pictures that bring tears to our eyes! Thank you, teachers.

Ellie, we love you so much!!

PaPa and Nonna

Aunt Ruth said...

Way yo go, Ellie!! We are so proud of you!!!

Melissa said...

Congrat to Ellie. What a big girl. Colby now starts preschool in the fall. Sigh! Getting way too big.