

Ellie's First 5th Birthday Party

Gjyshe, Gigi, and Aunt Hannah came to Kentucky on Sunday and we had a little party...

Yay! A pool for the apartment in Tirana!

Ellie was enraptured with her very own bird's nest. She was waiting for the eggs to hatch. Great gift, Gjyshe!

Gigi brought sparklers. I think the photo below says it all.

Cake time! (We think this is the first year she's actually eaten her own birthday cake!)

We think David Reni is going to have a hard time keeping his sister out of his toys...

Els had such a hard time saying goodbye, that she ended up jumping in the car with them! She's been in Illinois since Tuesday and we drive up there tomorrow to pick her up! (Hence all the blog posts this week ;-) )

Ellie also got a very cool John Deere wagon which we got on video, but not on the still camera. We'll have to post a photo of that later...


Aunt Ruth said...

How Fun!!! Making memories!!!

Carl and Lois said...

We felt the excitement of Ellie's sheer joy! The pictures are terrific!

Rebecca W said...

Happy 5th Birthday Ellie!!