

29 pieces of clothing...

... for $106. We hit the sales rack at Kohls after church today and picked up some clothing items to donate to David Reni's orphanage. Another task checked off the list!

The days are dwindling quickly, especially as we look at what we have yet to finish up before we leave! Here's our schedule and a little bit of what's on it:

Sunday: Church, Father's Day lunch at Qdoba (yay coupons and reward card points for a CHEAP but yummy lunch!), quick nap, clean and prepare for painting 'team's' arrival (thank you Nathan C, Rachel, Meredith, Mark & Leah!), move basement furniture, spackle walls, cover windows and doors for paint sprayer. Yes, we're calling it an "ox in the ditch" Sunday.

Monday - Wednesday: Paint the primary meeting rooms, hallways, foyer and stairwell of the center (and if time, the bathrooms & 1 guestroom). Pack for Indiana, mow and trim yard and clean interiors of center (after painting) for Asbury's alumni reunion weekend (activities to take place at the center), deliver Reagan to Siobhan & Jessica's (dogsitters), last-minute shopping for Albania, make instruction list for housesitter, etc., etc..

Thursday - Sunday noon: attend WGM's 100th Anniversary, Celebration of Missions in Marion, IN.

Sunday evening: return home, pack for Albania, call travel agent to secure seat assignments for int'l flights

Monday morning: leave for the airport @ 5AM


/kjernald said...

Like always we are praying for you guys and we have your back! Jesus has brought you thru so much to get to this point and he won't let you down now. Your child that God has given you is waiting, go in God's peace and become his mommy and daddy and sister.

The Kjernalds

Melissa said...

Love Kohls! Congrats on your travel day. We will be thinking of you.