


I've noticed that Nathan has lately taken on the responsibility for posting to our family blog -- and I'm so grateful for that. To say that the last month has been full, would be to put it mildly. I want to remember these days, that they're not a blur, plus give a little update for those of you seeking adoption updates.

Number one question these days, "Do you know when you will be traveling?"
A: We have no clue. Complicating (?) everything right now (that we have our referral) is the fact that our initial immigration approval expires May 26. In anticipation of this expiration, we had a home study update started at the end of March, which we were able to ammend when we learned about David and the possibility of adopting in the 'special needs' category. We sent away our completed packet to USCIS over a week ago and need to receive our extension before we can apply for and send away the I-800 (about a two week wait). When that is approved, it triggers a cable to the US embassy in Albania which prints a letter that our Bethany representative can take to the courts to schedule a date. We are trying not to stress or be anxious about our hopeful summer timeline. Thank you for your prayers that our renewal paperwork was in order and doesn't get kicked back!

As you can imagine, Els has been more than excited about the imminent arrival of her brother. Explaining and unknown timeline has been even more challenging.

Yesterday we attended her transition meeting with her teaching team at the Early Learning Village as we all prepare her for Kindergarten in the fall. It was humbling and overwhelming and encouraging all at once. We learned a lot about her behavior at school that we were unaware of (or had limited awareness of). To summarize a 90-minute meeting briefly, it seems that she knows all the stuff a child needs to know before entering Kindergarten, but significant modifications are having to be made to accomodate her learning and behavior. They have been 'pushing' her a lot which has resulted in numerous meltdowns and tantrums (we were shown a chart listing the days of the week and the times of day when the meltdowns occur). A lot of them come as a result from not wanting to do the task they are asking of her (primarily writing or drawing or coloring). More than once they mentioned what a strong will she has! We left the meeting with a better idea of what we need to work with her on this summer to help prepare her for school next year! The team unanimously agreed though that all day kindergarten will be really good for her and her innate need for a solid structure to her day.

After school we ended up taking Ellie to the doctor. She was thrilled (seriously -- she even brought her Fisher-Price syringe to give Nurse Elizabeth a shot). She's had a significant amount of congestion from allergies for the past several weeks and the OTC meds didn't seem to be helping. Finally, she complained that her ear hurt and we felt a low grade fever and had it confirmed that she was developing an ear infection. A couple of hours and meds later, we've got her on better allergy meds that already appear to be working.

I've been blessed this month with an opportunity to photograph patients for Ellie's pediatrician's office. The families I've met have been amazing and the children absolutely precious. Many of them are families made through adoption so that was an immediate connection. I'm posting photos on my photo blog: if you are interested in seeing some of our new little friends. I am so grateful for some wonderful friends and Asbury students who have been assisting me with the project (special shout out to my former SASF neighbor, Donna, who recently retired and has the freedom in her schedule to help me at shoots, even when they are sometimes rescheduled, and scheduled again due to rain!). And special thanks of course to Nathan for taking on more "Ellie-care" during this time, lending his genius photoshop skills when I've been stuck, and all-around pinch-hitting.

Finally, in the midst of all this, we are preparing David's room. It is helping make his arrival feel more real. At the same time, our home was already feeling 'cozy' and 'losing' our family room makes it feel even cozier as we try to find places for its contents! Anyone need a love seat? I hope to be posting photos of that soon! I can't wait for it to be done and feel 'settled' again before we leave!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

We are certainly praying for the paper work to be approved--and soon!! I check the blog several times a day in an effort to keep abreast of all the facts. Ellie will love kindergarden.
God has been faithful and will continue His work on Ellie's behalf. She will feel the need to be a helper and big sister to David. We rejoice with you in God's perfect ways.