

Ways You Can Pray for Our Adoption

Forgive the bullet points... we've been without internet all week (thanks to the flood wiping out some crucial fiber optic lines along the Kentucky River) so we have a little bit to share quickly:

  • We learned that the Albanian Adoption Committee is supposed to be meeting on Friday. Pray that they will indeed meet as scheduled and that they would recognize our letter of intent to adopt David Reni and formally refer him to us so we can proceed with obtaining a court date.
  • Pray that the court date will fall sometime in early June. There are two court dates which must take place and we have a delicate timeline to walk to complete his adoption before the August "recess". We would love to have him home and transitioning before the new school year commences. We believe God cares about and is concerned about these details.
  • You can pray for Ellie as she is getting quite impatient to go and 'get' her brother. A few days ago a couple walked down our driveway with a baby carrier in arms. Ellie yelled, "It's my brother!!!" and ran to meet them. We're not sure she totally grasps how far away he is from us. On the other hand, we watched "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" on Sunday which featured a 7-year-old girl with a similar condition to David Reni, Ellie left the room and returned with her leg in a paper bag, exclaiming, "I lost my foot! I need a new leg!" (click here to watch the episode online)
  • Pray for David Reni that he will continue to grow and thrive under good care from the nuns at his orphanage and that his little heart will be prepared for this big transition when the time comes.
  • Most people have nine months to prepare for the arrival of a baby. While our adoption journey has been much longer than nine months, we feel we have nine months of preparation to cram into potentially a few short weeks.
Thanks so much! We love and appreciate you all! Check back for updates on these updates!


Aunt Ruth said...

Cydil and Nathan, we are praying with you!!! I check the blog often. We are praying that all the details will work out that you've mentioned--plus little Ellie's excitement and anticipation. Love and lots of hugs and prayers,
PS--Has Bethany said they would let you know as soon as they know anything?

Aunt Ruth said...

Hi--it's me again. I just watched the Home Makeover video. What a moving account!!!!