

"I'll stay small, Mommy"

I thought I would share an excerpt from an e-mail I sent Mom and Dad Waggoner in Ohio tonight...

"Tonight [Ellie] watched a video where someone had curly hair (which she pronounced ‘corly’) and she insisted I make mine ‘corly’ too. ;-)

She is making so many strides in her communication – Nathan said he saw big improvement in just the time he was in Honduras!

We’re proud of her and I keep telling her she’s growing up.
To which she replies, ‘I’m getting bigger bigger and won’t fit in your lap anymore, Mommy!’ When I make a sad face at that, she puts a hand on her head as if to squish her stature back down and she says, “I’ll stay small, Mommy.” '

Oh how I love that girl!

Cousin Dallas on Fox&Friends this AM about faith-based films



"I notice that everybody that is pro-abortion already has been born."--Ronald Reagan via Jane Benjamin


Toothbrushing Episode

Ellie spits her toothpaste into the sink, wipes her mouth and turns to me.
"Here comes the sparkle!"

She slowly smiles into a broad grin and says, "Ding!"
(Envision the little flash of light on a sparkle-toothed cartoon character -- I really wish I could remember where she saw this because she certainly hasn't forgotten it!)

What a girl!


The last missions trip...

I have a small stack of clothes in my closet that are 'mission trip' clothes. You know, the ones you don't mind getting Kenyan clay or Honduran mud on even though it won't come off. They gain character with each trip. They are like old friends (that is if your friends are covered in paint and caulk), but they have served well. Today I say goodbye to one such friend. While becoming more and more threadbare with each international trip, they were my favorite work jeans. While kneeling to pick up some concrete pavers, I heard them rip. My gasp was mistaken for the loss a broken tile. Instead it was the realization of one less article in my 'mission trip' pile. I used some duct tape to make it through the rest of the day, but I won't be able to squeeze any more adventures into these faithful jeans.

I (Nathan) am currently on a WGM Task Force team in Honduras. If you want to read more about what we are doing you can go to


as you think of the Waggoners...

... you can follow Nathan's activities and adventures in Honduras here.

We would also covet your prayers for our adoption. We don't have any news, but we heard the adoption committee might be meeting quite soon. They have big responsibilities as they match children and families and even if we don't get matched this month, we pray that eligible Albanian children might be that much closer to going to their permanent, loving homes.


The Circus Came to Town

This afternoon I visited Ellie's school for a special program:
Entering the gym, I had to snap a pic of the clown that Ellie and I made last Saturday. (middle, top row, green shirt)

This little tightrope walker saw her momma in the crowd and blew her a spontaneous kiss!
What a performer!

That's Els in the lead (above) on the 'tightrope'

I was caught off guard by her little flourish here after her 'dismount'
She was so serious about it, it was precious! That's Ellie's teacher of the past two years in the top hat

The muscle men

The cats were fierce

The 'acrobats' from Ellie's class

No circus is complete without a trapeze act

The finale: a boy was 'shot' out of the canon (he slid across the floor on his tummy on the scooter)
I know you don't know any of these other kids, but they had obviously gone to a lot of work and they were SO cute!
And no, Mom, that is not our tutu dress that Ellie is wearing. Ms K reported she nearly didn't get it off of Ellie, she loved it so much!


One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish...

Yesterday we made a little get away and met up with Mom and Dad Waggoner in Newport, KY (just across the river from Cincinnati) to visit the Newp*rt Aquarium. Ellie was pretty excited to see her grandparents, get out of town and see something new and fascinating. Her parents were too.

A little tie-in to pop culture always helps... her interest in the turtle perked up when we likened him to "Crush" from 'Nemo'.

Ellie looks little off here because she didn't want to break character. (She was 'Tiger' most of yesterday, which included holding her hands and fingers like claws)

I got a great close-up of his teeth on a second swim over, but decided not to post it here and thus cause anyone (namely myself) bad dreams with recurring visions of his sharp teeth.

The jellyfish room was one of my favorite exhibits...

Ellie couldn't resist checking out the appropriately-designed light fixtures...

A lot of underwater stuff scares me to death. Seriously (I think I watched too many underwater documentaries as a child). The aquarium was really beautiful and I loved the underwater tunnels, though I have to say I was like Els and walked quickly over the portions with glass floors.

To end on a humorous note... here's Els trying her fiercest "Tiger" roar on the larakeet. Thankfully he was more interested in the nectar.


Congratulations, Asbury!

Today it became official! Asbury alums -- you'd be AMAZED at how quickly the signage has already changed on campus! Literally overnight!

FYI: I think we got the last AC license plate ever sold (because here in KY you only have to have a rear plate)! We checked out the picked over clearance section at the bookstore on Tuesday and picked up this momento. Or is it, 'memento'? I'm sure someone will set me straight.


Spring Fever

Like most kids at this time of year, Ellie is getting spring fever. She had her scooter out last night (after dark), and promptly reminded me with the first words out of her mouth this morning that we were to play outside today. ;-)