

Saturday night

The ski retreat this weekend seems to have gone really well. We had a terrific group of students and I only wish I could have had more time with them all.

Our speakers were Tim and Sharon Hawk -- regional directors over WGM's Latin American fields. Back when Nathan and I were just dating, Tim was the head of the World Connection Department and the one who approached Nathan with the question of our intentions -- that is, were we planning to marry because there might be a position we could fill at the Asbury student center... the rest is history.

Ellie had been looking forward to sleeping in a hotel -- all 36 hours in advance that she knew. She loved the riding the elevator and spending time in our room (that part surprised me). Her favorite memory might just be the cube-shaped saltwater fish tank in the hotel lobby. Last night the manager let her feed them two pinches of food and she was hooked. This morning she made a beeline for the tank and told me assuredly, "The fish are hungry." Tonight at bathtime, she made her own fish tank out of a clear cube, originally used for storing bulk paper clips, and marbles representing fish.

We will have photos to post with this later, but for now the camera is still on the slopes with Nathan.

Ellie and I came home early. She has a bit of a cold and I didn't think it was wise to take her tubing. As the crowds in the Lodge were overwhelming, we headed on back and got home in time for supper. In searching for something relaxing to do, we discovered a movie I've never seen before and forgot we owned (something we picked up a while ago from Blockbuster's previously viewed bins): Disney's version of Little House on the Prairie. I didn't even know Disney had made such a mini-series/DVD. Who would try to remake what Michael Landon had perfected as the quintessential American family drama? ABC did, and they did a good job (with more realism and drama about the hardships of frontier life).

I'm quite enjoying it (disclaimer: it's been nearly 25 years since I read the books, but this movie seems to be much closer to the original text). Ellie lost interest a long while ago, but I'm hooked (Corrina and Caleigh -- have you guys seen this? I have to say, I keep thinking of you as I watch). I forgot how much I enjoyed the stories of pioneers. What courage.

When I was younger nothing sounded like quite as much fun as living the life of a pioneer girl in the olden days, I think I will be content now to live in the present day, with medical help close by, clear glass in my windows, warm blankets for my bed, and a dog whose sole job is to provide companionship -- not necessarily protect the homestead (in spite of what he may think). Okay, Disk 2 is in -- I'm going to sign off and enjoy the rest!


Anonymous said...

I've never heard of those movies. My kids would love them! I'll have to check out Amazon and see if I can get a deal.

Anonymous said...

Hey I was surprised as I was reading your blog to see my name :) I have only seen a small part of that and I too forgot they ABC had redone the "Little House" story. We just found the video store in our new town, so I'll have to put that on our "to see" list! Thanks for thinking of us.
We think of you often and check your blog often to know you are doing well. We hope to make a trip to KY this year- we'll let you know. Have a great day!! Corrina

Jan said...

My kids would love these! I will for sure have to check them out! I enjoy reading your blog!