

Ski Retreat 2010

I've been feeling quite lazy in the photography department lately. So lazy that I consented to Nathan's many-months-long-request to purchase a point and shoot camera. With our upcoming ski retreat, the last thing I felt like doing was packing up camera gear on top of all the other stuff we have to bring for this event (food, clothes, games, A/V equipment, instruments, laptops, entertainment for Ellie, etc.). So Nathan giddily bought a waterproof/impact-resistant Olympus ... which he tested when he took a tumble on some moguls that he didn't see while video-ing another friend skiing. Apparently when he came up, the crevices of the camera were stuffed with ice, but it kept working!
Here is an image from that camera -- Ellie is sans glasses because they continually fogged up going in and out of the lodge. Maybe next year she'll get some skis on for real!

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