

Visit to Shkodra Castle

Due to computer issues, I didn't get to post many photos while I was in Albania. One of the many highlights of the trip was a first-time visit (for me) to the city of Shkodra. It's about 2 hours north of Tirana, and 45 minutes (or maybe closer) to Montenegro. We visited the ancient Shkodra Castle, which dates back to before the time of Christ.

Our little entourage included Perparim, Perparim's son, Andi (who I first met when he was about 10 or 12 -- yeah, he's grown up!), Tiana, Mandi, Dad and I.

Looking southeast.... I doubt the view has changed much over the last two millenia...

Standing in the ruins of a church in the castle's walls.

(Above) the modern day city of Shkodra (below) the entrance to the castle museum)

(Above), replica of the castle hill. Incidentally, we got stuck waiting to cross that little single-lane bridge about 10-15 minutes when cars wanting to travel in opposite directions refused to 'give'

Dad with two of his best friends...
See more photos from Shkodra in my Facebook album (viewable without a Facebook account):
Okay -- I have to say I was SO, SO excited when it became apparent that I would get to meet up with bloggy friend, Melissa, and her husband Bob, while in Albania. She found me online nearly three years ago and we've communicated ever since. In May Nathan and I got to have dinner with Bob and Melissa while we were in Grand Rapids for a couple of days. We've been praying with them through their long adoption journey and it was a thrill beyond words to get to meet their new daughter, Mariada (part of the reason we traveled up to Shkodra). After our castle tour, we visited where Mariada's been living, then we all went out to lunch at a very nice restaurant with beautiful views of the castle hill (over Bob's shoulder). I'm sure they would covet your prayers -- Mariada's adoption hearing is December 23!


Anonymous said...

Is that a bald eagle? It sure looks like one.
Spectacular pictures!!!!
Aunt Dianna

Cydil said...

Thanks, aunt Dianna!
I didn't even see that eagle until editing that photo tonight.
Incidentally, Albania/Shqiperia means "land of the eagles".

Jan said...

Breathtaking pictures. Thanks for posting them.

Aunt Ruth said...

Breath taking pictures!!!