

We're back... briefly

Pictures tonight courtesy of Nathan's cell phone:
Friday night at Jessamine Creek (less than 3 miles from our home). Our friend, Andy Bathje, assured us that waterways are public access and we are not trespassing. ;-) Nevertheless, we had the creek to ourselves. It was quite therapeutic to sit for over an hour and watch Ellie throw rocks and sticks and leaves into the stream.

No special camera effects here. This is what it really looks like.

Shortly after returning from Illinois, Ellie had her 4-year exam and got 4 shots. Ouch! She was actually quite the trooper. We were pleased to hear Dr. Taylor report that she'd seen significant progress in Ellie between visits. She puts her development at about that of a three year old (we were gauging between 2 and a half to 3 years). Ellie has also grown in stature. She's officially broken the 40 lb mark (barely -- and not much of a weight gain from a visit over the winter, which goes to show the height she's added). She is in the 65th percentile for height and 75th for weight. Before leaving the office she asked if she could, "Hug Nurse Elizabeth?" We love our pediatrician's office and glad Ellie does too -- even when she's gotten four jabs!

This is to show Ellie's growing confidence on playground equipment. We're really astounded at the changes here. Last fall, it was mostly inaccessible to her. Now there's barely anything on it she CAN'T access.
This month has been a blur. I've been mostly at my desk editing weddings or portrait sessions. I'm not complaining though! With our impending adoption, I felt this was my last opportunity to take on some extra work to help cover some of those expenses. I've also taken on a photography intern, Becky, who's help has been invaluable. I wanted to make sure I had sufficient work to keep her busy. Ha! I think I could have had enough work for three interns! I don't know how much I taught her, but we learned a lot together. This past weekend we shot our last two weddings of the month and then she heads home at the end of the week. Feel free to hop over to my photography blog to see some of what I've been up to (
Tonight we took Becky out to eat for dinner to celebrate the end of our time with her. On the way home, Ellie said, "Tomorrow, after wake up, eat at restaurant!" Yeah, Els. Someday soon your mother will cook real food for you again. At home. ;-)


Jan said...

I think I'd have to go to the creek often, that looks like a beautiful spot! (and much prettier than the ditches we played in as kids to catch minnows and crayfish :))

Aunt Ruth said...

We thank the Lord with you for all the positive steps in Ellie's life!!! We truly serve an awesome God.

Palmer said...

Great pictures, as always. Good to get caught up on how Ellie is progressing, too.