

Red, White and BOOM!

Ellie came into direct contact with one of her first bits of Americana. Down the road in a small farming community that has for years celebrated our nation's independence by having fireworks in the cornfields. It's cheap thrills for the farmers who get to come for miles around and sit on old lawn chairs and marvel at the spectacle. Ellie sat with the best of them and did her share of marveling on her mom's lap. Holding her ears and widening her eyes you could tell she was taking it all in. Her cute little phrases like, "More fire please!" or "It went boom boom! I closed the ears!" were typical of her big night. God has blessed America and our freedom and independence all the way even to cornfields in Illinois.
-- guest contributor, Gjyshe vanOrman.

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

Spectacular!!! I love it that I now know how Ellie's remarks actually "sound"--since I've seen her recently.