

Greetings Fae Scotland

Our hotel (thank you, Travelocity)

View from our room

St. Giles

Where we ate last night

(Inside of supper's dining establishment)
Deacon Brodie's Tavern is named after the man who inspired the fictional character, Jekyll and Hyde

We tried a "two" shot, but Nathan was the only one with eyes strong enough to look into the sun!
If you haven't figured it out yet, we're in Scotland visiting friends and celebrating our 10th anniversary as tourists. It's nice to travel in this role and not as leaders of a college team (though we enjoy that role, this is a little more relaxing).
We arrived late yesterday afternoon and enjoyed coffee with Pam and Simon before checking into our hotel and taking an evening walk around down town to stay awake and ward off jetlag. Our hotel is in a great location and since our trip is short, it's nice to be close to the main sites. The major downside is that internet is quite pricey at our hotel (15 pounds per day! gulp!), so we've taken a walk to a much more economical internet cafe about 10 minutes away.
Ellie is enjoying some special time with Gigi and Gjyshe on the farm and is probably not missing us much yet.
We hope to post some more photos but may not be able to do it very frequently. We'll see. Can't believe it's July and we're wearing sweaters and jackets! Not complaining, though!


Aaron and Jennifer Santor said...

Amazing pictures!!!Absolutely beautiful.

bug seth tua pip said...

We're so jealous.