

Google Reader is a wonderful thing!

We need to run over to the other side of town for a quick photo to accompany our next update, but in the mean time, I thought I would put a free plug in for Google Reader. If you're like me, your list of friends and family who blog grows every month and it can be difficult to keep up with all of them (I'm up to 48)! Last month Nathan introduced me to "Google Reader", and I've been hooked ever since! Just copy and paste the URLs for the blogs you follow (your 'subscription list'), check your Google Reader box when you go online, and see when someone has posted something new! I've found it saves me tons of time AND helps me stay more connected and up-to-date with those I care about!


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Feed readers really DO rock! I've been using a feed reader for awhile now... at least 18 months. I've used a feed reader to follow your blog ever since I found it. :)

Joann said...

How is GoogleReader different from RSS feed? Like Rebecca, I keep up with your blog using that. It does save time. Although you are such a good blogger -- you pretty much post stuff everyday :> The last time I posted was in May.

Hope to see you at the Multi Cultural Festival.

Anonymous said...

I use Bloglines.