


On Saturday Ellie turns 3. While that's wonderful, it also means that she ages out of the First Steps program and we have to say goodbye to the special ladies who have been providing her therapy these past 15+ months. They have been coming to our home several times a month and working with Ellie, assessing her abilities and providing valuable advice & instruction to get her to the next level. They've been such an encouragement when we needed it and know more than most just how far she has come.

I'm kicking myself for not getting pictures yesterday with her OT and SLP but was a little more on the ball today. With her permission, I just had to post these photos from this morning of Ellie with her developmental interventionist, Cynthia. Thank you!!!


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Hooray for Cynthia!

Cynthia, I know Cydil and Nathan from college. I met Ellie in person last June and haven't seen her since then. :( But from the time I started reading about her until I met her just a few months later, she learned to do SO MUCH!

In fact, she learned so much in just the few days between the last time I read this blog early last June and the end of the month when I met her.

And that's in part because of people like you. Thank you for helping Ellie and her wonderful parents. Thank you on behalf of all those you help.

AND thanks for allowing Cydil to post the photos. They are JUST PRECIOUS!

Anonymous said...

Hello Cynthia,
We are Ellie's paternal grandparents. How can we adequately thank you for all your wisdom and faithful work with Ellie. It has been absolutely amazing to see how Ellie has developed under your guidance and care. We're so grateful to you!

Carl and Lois Waggoner

hannah said...

love this pitures of ellie with her therist on the blog love aunt hannah I am have weekend in juy with my friend sam on fourth of july

Aunt Ruth said...

I want to add my thanks to all Ellie's therapists. What God has accomplished for Ellie through you and her folks brings great Thanksgiving to our hearts.