

sick day

Yesterday Ellie was her happy little self, even sitting in the middle of our prayer circle at our student cabinet meeting last night, folding her hands, and [heedless of the fact that we hadn't even started] announcing, "Amen!" And when we didn't respond to her satisfaction, she said it again, even louder, "AMEN!" We've never heard her say that word before which went to show us what a little sponge we have living with us! She picked it up without even being taught!

This morning she woke up with the corners of her mouth turned down like she wanted to cry. This is unusual since she's the happiest person I've ever met to get out of bed in the morning. Then, she didn't want to eat. That was really unusual. I also noticed she wasn't just warm, she was HOT. We searched the house and couldn't find anything to take her temperature with, but it really wasn't needed to confirm that she was sick. The drs office verified: 102.9 (2 hours after taking Tylenol). Poor little Els was a trooper as her medical friends tried to figure out the source of her discomfort. No idea yet what it is (we go back tomorrow), but she layed on our bed most of the early evening tonight and whimpered ocasionally while watching some Veggie Tales. She eventually perked up and looked at books, but refused to be put in her crib. Dad is currently trying to get her to fall asleep on our bed before moving her. Could be an interesting night!


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Poor Ellie. I hope she feels better soon and that you all get some sleep tonight.

Amen! ;)

Anonymous said...

Bless her little heart!! It's probably just a "bug" that's going around. Little ones have to build up their own immunity. Sounds like she might have a sore throat and upset tummy since she didn't want to eat. We say "Amen" with her in praise to our wonderful creator.
Love and Prayers, Aunt Ruth

Simon and Pam Wunderli said...

Hope Ellie is doing better today. Not fun when our wee ones are sick. :(

Cydil said...

Ellie woke up today with no fever and as her old self! Yay!