


Ellie was fascinated with watching one younger than herselfShe especially loved teaching Ian peek-a-boo
...and he loved her glasses

Micah and Els enjoy the slides...

This past weekend was a special time for us to reconnect with old friends.

A couple of years after getting married, Nathan and I decided to join a small group through our church. We had no idea the friendships that would bless our lives as a result. As is the nature of living in a college and seminary town, transition comes and eventually, Nathan and I were the only ones still living in Kentucky. We were glad to stay in touch and get to see each of these couples at different times after they moved away, but we were never able to organize a get together at a time convenient for all.

A few months ago, we realized that one couple from our group was going to be back in KY for a time of commissioning before leaving for missionary service in a place I cannot publish online. After contacting the other two couples, we organized a mini 'reunion' to be hosted here in Wilmore. Times have changed and our numbers had swelled thanks to the addition of some precious children. Who knows how many more of us there may be in 2013! (the projected date of our next reunion). Here are a few picts featuring Ellie with her new friends. She actually cried about 15 minutes after the last ones left this morning! It was the first time she had cried all weekend (other than when brushing her hair)! It meant so much that everyone made the effort to come. Click here to view a slideshow of more photos.

1 comment:

Aunt Ruth said...

Oh my!! Ellie is growing up so fast. She looks so delightful in the pictures with her new friends.
Isn't it great to have Spring weather?