

Ellie W. aka "Patch"

On Tuesday morning we had a visit to the Eye Clinic at the University of Kentucky where Ellie's pediatric ophthalmologist prescribed 2 hours of day of 'eye patching' to help strengthen her left eye. The first two days were 'rip your heart out' crying episodes from Ellie when it came time to apply this big sticker and the longest she wore the patch was 30 minutes. I am pleased to report that today we made it the full 2 hours! YAY!

If you think of Ellie during your prayer time, you can pray that she will learn to tolerate the situation and that it will work to sufficiently stengthen the eye so surgery is not necessary. Today, she cried, whined, and generally fussed the first half an hour. Then finally conceded and went limp with thumb in mouth, laying on my bed for the next 30 or so minutes. At the one hour mark she acted like she had forgotten it was on and we were able to get the image above. We pray tomorrow goes even better!
If she doesn't accept patching though, we will have to resort to dialation drops which would make playing outside in the sunshine very difficult. If either of the two previous methods are unsuccessful at strengthening the eye, surgery will be necessary to ensure she doesn't lose her visual depth of field.


bug seth tua pip said...

She's such a trooper! Good job Ellie.

Aunt Ruth said...

Hi. We are just back from NJ. It's good to catch up on Ellie's blog!! I love her smiles. Cydil, it's great to see you with her in some of the pictures. i know you are usually behind the camera. Thankful Nathan is home. Love, Aunt Ruth

Aunt Ruth said...

I love her expression in the "Patch" picture. Her weak eye is focused directly on you. Her smile is so delightful!!!
We showed the pictures of Ellie with her "Waggoner cousins" to our family in NJ. I wish you could see how Grams seems to go "into" the picture and notices every expression of each of her Great grandchildren. Thanks so much for all you share with us!!!

Anonymous said...

So is it getting better for her to adjust? I hope so!- Hope