

Video footage of the explosion

This video was shot by the Proseku's (Mom and Dad's ministry partners) in Vlashaj. The major explosion comes about 3 minutes and 15 seconds into the video. (more text below)

At the end you see Genti and Shpresa's entry way where the ceiling has collapsed. It seems like just yesterday Mom and Dad had completely renovated the house for them to move into. Genti is staying in the village to guard the properties as they have no front door and the windows have all been blown out. According to Dad (who I got to speak to this afternoon), most of the village has evacuated as there are fears that the other tunnel full of munitions isn't stable. Dad is going back to Vlashaj on Sunday to fully assess the damage.

Keep praying for everyone affected!


Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Good heavens! (Clearly I'm being a couch potato today.)

Aunt Ruth said...

We are praying for Cydil's Dad and all affected by the terrible explosion!!!