

Swim Party

This past weekend while I was at a retreat, Nathan took Els to a pool party (at the College's Luce Center) for her playgroup friend, Phoebe. As you can imagine, it was a party Ellie wasn't ready to leave!
The past week has been pretty exciting. I mean REALLY exciting... Ellie has started talking! It's nothing complicated (usually 2 word combinations at the most), but we're marveling at the new little person who is living in our house. We have a little girl who can tell us what she wants, what she sees, and general greetings! Today she had her weekly speech therapy session where Miss Jennifer reported, "Results not typical!" I promise a new video soon!


Anonymous said...

We are so excited for you and Ellie!!! She's processed so much!! Now she is able to COMMUNICATE her thoughts and wishes. We marvel at how good God is and how He has given Ellie a bright mind and great parents!!
We can't wait for the next video!!!!

hannah said...

love pituee of ellie in the pool I cant wait for the next video love aunt hannah