

E is for Ellie

Sorry for the uncharacteristically long lapse between posting! I have no excuses! I figured I had better post something when I heard tonight that a trans-Atlantic phone call was placed to my parents asking them where we had gone. I'm sorry!

Since writing last we celebrated another 'anniversary' of sorts. December 4 came and went for Ellie but we remembered it as the day she officially became a Waggoner (though she still had 15 more days of waiting in the orphanage before she would become 'ours').

Also in the past 2 weeks Ellie has started wearing orthotics for the pronation in her ankles. They seem to be working wonderfully (she's walking even faster now) and according to her PT, she is also no longer 'knock-knee-ed'.

Ellie has also finally mastered the sign for 'more'. To her, it also means, "I'm not finished", "I'm hungry", "Give me that", and "More!". It's most adamantly used when she thinks we are about to remove her from the bathtub. How thankful we are for this new form of communication from her. I will post this for now and try to dig out some photos for your viewing enjoyment (so check back).

These photos were taken the day after Ohio State's victory over Michigan (Nathan wears his one and only sweater vest in homage to Jim Tressel the Sunday after this big victory each year). I couldn't resist a photo-op of these two when I realized they were in matching colors.


Sarah said...

Ellie really looks you in that picture, Cydil. By the way, I saw reality t.v. that had a girl named Tzietel pronounced like Cydil.

hannah said...

love pitues of ellie on the blog pitures ellie with nathan on the blog love aunt hananah