

Images from 12/23

The great-grandkids watching a DVD in a room nearby Grandpa Waggoner's visitation this afternoon. Look how long Ellie's legs are getting! She has been having a blast with her cousins.

Ellie has been fascinated with candles the last couple of weeks. Can you tell?

I was happy to have some help with my birthday candle ;-)
Nonna holds her hair back

Nonna shares the meaning of the advent candle

Ellie sees another opportunity to blow out another flame...

PaPa pulled out some relics of his days as a boy in Africa. They were very impressive to Ellie's cousins ages 7, 6, and (almost) 4. I think there were some impressed grown-ups too. The python skin above was longer than I could easily fit in the camera frame! Other objects included an ostrich egg, a hippo ear and hippo tooth which Micah evidently thought would make a great nose (see below).

1 comment:

hannah said...

love pitures of ellie on the blog love aunt hannah