

One year ago today...

I (Nathan) have decided to give Cydil a break on the Blog, so you are stuck with my thoughts this time.

Today has been eventful in several ways. The full pomp and circumstance hit Asbury College this morning as Asbury's new president, Dr. Sandra Gray, was inaugurated. Senator Mitch McConnell, the minority leader in the US Senate, was one of several speakers who challenged and encouraged Dr. Gray. It was great to see Jesus so lifted up through the ceremony. Asbury is excited about Dr. Gray's presidency and we are too. Incidentally, Dr. Gray is also on the board of World Gospel Mission and has been a great supporter of missions in general and our ministry here specifically.

The other event of the day didn't even make a blip on the radar of most people’s thoughts, but for Cydil and I, it was life changing. It was one year ago today that we received the news that our daughter Elisona was waiting for us across the ocean to pick her up and bring her home. I am sure that all of you have had events in your life that are so monumental that you remember where you were and what you were doing when you first heard the news. Let me briefly relay my account of the day since this is a rare time for me to sit down and blog.

Cydil and I knew that the adoption committee in Albania met near the end of each month and so at the end of each month our dossier sat in the country we would silently hope that this would be the month that we would hear. That hope would turn to resignation at the start of each month with the renewed hope that “maybe next month” would be the month (sort of like you Cubs fans may be feeling right now! J). So when I went to teach on the morning of October 5, it felt like any other day. Now you know the rest of the story, but when I got a call from Cydil at a little after 9:00 at the department secretary’s desk, I was surprised! She could have waited 3 minutes and called me in my office for a more private conversation, so what was the urgency? On top of that, all she would say was “Nathan, could you come home right now?” I asked if everything was OK and she replied, “I need you at home NOW. Hurry!”

As I got into our van and drove the short distance to our house, I kept running though scenarios in my head. “Is someone hurt? A family death?...” As I walked into the door, Cydil was standing in the middle of the room with the lights off. She had clearly been crying. As I walked forward to comfort her, she said, “We have a daughter!”

Now it was my turn to cry as we held each other in the living room and I began to ask for more details. Cydil recounted the phone call from Bethany and ended by saying that they were e-mailing us some pictures. I am sure that it was only minutes that we waited, but we hit the send/receive button probably every two seconds until the computer rewarded us with “Downloading 1 of 1 message…” Here is one of the several pictures we received.

The rest of the morning was spent calling and e-mailing family and starting this blog! What a wonderful year it has been watching God move mountains! Praise Him with us for His blessings.


bug seth tua pip said...

Thanks for the post, Nathan! It was very moving and encouraging to see how God has worked in your lives since that day. May He continue to bless you and other families who choose to adopt.

Carl and Lois said...

I will never forget that phone call, Nathan! In many ways our own lives have been changed since welcoming Ellie into the family. We have rejoiced with each small and big step of progress for her! At times our arms ache to hold and love her. God has blessed the entire family through this little girl! To think that He chose Ellie for us, it is all so awesome!

Anonymous said...

Oh how well we remember that very specail day when you learned you had a daughter!!

The miracles continue, as we watch this precious daughter of yours blossom!!

We love all 3 of you, Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth

hannah said...

thanks for the post nathan love the pitures of you with ellie it was very moving and encouraging to see how god has worked in your lives since that day may he continue to bless you and other families who choose to apot love aunt hananh

Dallas Jenkins said...

i cry like a baby every time i hear that dang story.