

A little bit of fall...?

Saturday afternoon we had some guests arrive to stay at the student center for a couple of days. They had just landed on a flight from Phoenix where they said it was 10 degrees COOLER than the nineties we were experiencing here in the 'Blue'grass. Because of this year's severe drought and heat, our cool weather clothing remains in storage and we've been told not to expect a very colorful fall -- how sad is that?

Thanks to the wonders of the internet, I can get a little piece of autumn and take a virtual visit to the mecca of leaf-changing-chasers. If you click here, you can see the view out of my sister's kitchen window of Vermont's famous maples. Now, where's my flannels?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have our screen saver on with pictures Uncle Jack took 3 years ago. Grams, Pop Pop, Uncle Jack and I went to New Hampshire in Sept.-Oct. 2004. We are going to Southern Indiana with Tim and family next week. Hopefully, we'll get to see some Fall foliage.
Love and Prayers, Aunt Ruth
PS--Audrey leaves today for an 8th grade trip to Washingto, DC.