

Midnight Clear

This is what I found Ellie 'reading' on Saturday morning. (Okay, she was on the floor so I moved her to the bed for the photo -- but she was really looking at the book when I walked into the room).

In addition to a great photo-op, I thought I would turn it into a promotion to buy cousin Dallas' new book! It's his first! I'm pretty sure I will never write a book in my lifetime so kudos to Dallas for accomplishing what many dream of, but never actually do.
Oh! And here's the Amazon link where you can buy one for a Christmas gift for someone. (shameless, I know)

In other family news...
Sorry for the long gaps between posts. This past weekend we hosted our largest event of the year: an African Goat Roast and Fall Fest. The week leading up to the event was quite full as we emptied the upper level of the student center and blacked out all the windows to turn it into a giant cardboard box maze (the kind you crawl through -- shudder if you're slightly claustrophobic). We also made enough goat stew to feed over 300 people. It was a success with wonderful weather and an even better turn out (in spite of the UK vs. LSU game which was going on at the same time). Added to that, we all got hit by a nasty cold bug which zapped our remaining strength. We've been taking it slow, but we're doing better and grateful for Fall Break which is approaching soon.
We cancelled Ellie's speech therapy appointment on Monday because of her ever-running nose, but kept her appointments yesterday for OT and PT. Both therapists saw improvement in her attention to tasks. She zipped through the wooden puzzles like nobody's business, but didn't care so much for the peg board. In PT she successfully caught (not trapped) a tossed ball from 5 feet (a skill actually beyond her age level) and kicked the ball without holding anyone's hands. It's funny how excited Ellie gets over seeing a ball -- yet she could care less about baby dolls or shoulder bags (something I have noticed her little girl friends are currently into). She's actually got a decent overhand throw, though she won't release it unless we give her the countdown ("Three-Two-One-THROW!").
One other development was our PT's suggestion that we take her to an orthopedist for the signficant pronation in her ankles. She believes Ellie may need some sort of inserts for her shoes or even some ankle braces. Pronation can be the result of many things, but the lack of early strength in her legs is also a probable contributing factor. Unfortunately, as soon as Ellie caught site of the sample ankle brace that Beth brought, she started crying and trembling quite hard, much like she did during our last visit to the ophthalmalogist. I think the visit to the orthopedist may require both Mom and Dad's presence!
One last fun bit: it's a good fall to be a OSU fan. It's funny how when I turn on the TV, it somehow always seems to be on ESPN. Nathan's always anxious to hear any positive press about his Bucks. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Ellie looks like a "student" already!!!

Wonder how she associated the braces with the "medical" world. She's one smart little girl. I know you see big changes in her abilities!!! We can tell from the pictures that she's growing in all avenues of development. We bow our heads in Thanksgiving to our loving heavenly Father who gave Ellie to bless your family and ours. Love and Prayers, Aunt Ruth

hannah said...

hey nathan and cydil
love this pitures of ellie with the book love new update love aunt hannah