

Misc Ellie Photos

Here's Ellie with her newest friend, Joel, who was visiting Wilmore for a few days from Argentina to compete in Asbury's scholarship competition. He came by this afternoon and declared that his mother would kill him if he didn't get his photo with Ellie before returning home Sunday. Joel's dad was our first boss at WGM and he (Joel) was much younger when we first met him in 1999! We're super excited that Joel is planning to come to Asbury in the fall!

We tried to hold out as long as we could, but we finally gave in and introduced Ellie to video a little while ago. She loves the Veggie Tales sing-along DVD, as you can tell from her rapt attention in this photo.

While this may look like the obligatory "bath tub photo", we're actually celebrating a very momentous occasion: the first FUN time in the bath tub! Thank you, Lord!

This is how she is EVERY morning. What a way to start the day!

Yes, we're going to work on fixing those glasses so they can sit properly on her face. But as you can tell, they don't have much to hold them up!

Okay, Mom got a new camera and lens and Els gets to be the model, like it or not! I love the shape of her mouth in this one.

If you are looking at the posting time and wondering how in the world I'm up this late posting on the blog, it's because thoughtful Faith (who is a Starbuck's barista) got me what she knows is one of my absolute favorite drinks: a [caffeinated] peppermint mocha -- which I downed without thinking at 10:30PM. (Faith is the president of our student cabinet and the cabinet and Nathan went out tonight to see the film, Amazing Grace, while I stayed home with Ellie. It was sweet to know they were thinking of me! ) Everyone is back here at the center have a fun time doing karaoke, believe it or not. It doesn't look like it is going to wrap up any time soon! This late night is going to hit us big time tomorrow when we have to get up at 7:30 for church!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I loved the newly posted photos. Actually, I love ANY photo of Ellie. My arms are starting to ache (to hold her again). We're so thankful to have missed the bad part of the ice storm last night. Thank you, Lord!! The 2005 storm and 6 days without electricity are still very high in our memory. Love and Prayers, Aunt Ruth

hannah vanorman said...

hey nathan and cydil and eliie
love this pitures of ellie and leave my comment on the blog have not see the amazing grace moveie aunt hannnah said and can wait to see you in march on spring break

Anonymous said...

is ellie starting to speak at all? just curious :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Cydil,

I still love looking at your blog and how Ellie is coming along. You are all in our prayers. Ellie is an amazing little girl, I think she wakes up like that every morning because she get to wake up to her parents. How much better is that then before!!!! The Lord is an amazing family maker.

Laurie Kjernald