

Ellie's First (real) Snow

This was the view out of her window that precipitated the snow shoot! Of course, we may be paying the consequences now, with the cold she is still recovering from! (Note: all these photos were shot last week). I wish our yard still looked so pretty!).


hannah vanorman said...

hey nathan and cydil
I love the piture of ellie in the snow how did she like the snow outside and regean like the snow she have not see real snow before in her life I am leave my comment on your blog thanks for put piture on the blog of ellie will take my piture with ellie in my new t-shirt that you gave me for my birthday

bug seth tua pip said...

Wilmore may have more snow than Bridgewater at this point....
Ellie looks happy and content....
Reagan looks bemused...
How do you get him to pose like that?

Anonymous said...

We have at least 5 inches of snow that you can have--anytime you want it. The temperature is 1 degree now. It will go below zero AGAIN tonight. We're warm and well for which we're thankful. Ellie is such a pretty litle girl! Did she touch and feel the snow? What were her reactions? Love and Prayers, Aunt Ruth