

September | The Yo-Yo Month

 September felt like a month on the go -- back and forth!  We started the month in Kentucky, then traveled to Illinois for a week, then to Indiana for a week, back to Illinois for a week, then out west and back to Illinois again! Have I made you dizzy yet? 

Labor Day weekend we shared at the community-wide church service in Delavan (sorry, no good photos). We were honored at the invitation and blessed by the incredible turn out, in spite of the heat and lack of good shade. 

Below, we celebrated Steve's birthday with the Waggoners at a local Mexican restaurant.

We love helping out around the farm when we can!  Mom always has a project or two with which we can help.  Below, Ellie helps reseed some grass destroyed by the moles.

Reni was highly motivated to earn some money for a certain purchase and happily worked to sand and weather-treat the farmhouse deck.

It looked amazing when they finished!

And they finished just in time for a Whiteford family gathering!

We also had the privilege of being interviewed for an upcoming video about the ministry in Albania.

We enjoyed getting to know these guys better and look forward to hosting them in Albania in the spring!

The second weekend of September we had a fun, unexpected experience!  We fulfilled a decade-long dream of taking Reni to a major league baseball game!

We traveled to Chicago with my Aunt Miriam and cousin, Derek.  We brought Nathan's nephew, Elisha, to keep Reni company. :-)  The reason for attending this particular game was to see my cousin, Dallas, throw out the first pitch!  Such a big deal and kinda sentimental since we both attended our first Cubs game together as kids, back in the early 1980s!

Dallas sweetly got this autographed basball from Cubs' catcher, Yan Gomes.


Our second week in September we traveled to Marion, Indiana, for meetings at our agency's home office. On the way, we stopped in Indianapolis to visit our friends, Gary and Hope.

While at WGM, we were led through exercises to process that last two-four years' worth of experiences in Albania.  We found the exercise to be really beneficial in remembering all the ways God has provided for our family!

Reni was thrilled to find a ping pong table! Ever the competitor, he loves sports and games of all kinds.

One night we held an ice cream social at one of our partner churches, Eaton First Church of God.

Another evening, we visited colleague, Micah, and his family!  (We really need a newer phone with a better forward-facing camera in low-light)

Another evening we drove up to Ft. Wayne and met the Lowes!

After our meetings concluded, we had coffee with Charisse and Chantal!

Then we had lunch with Maria!

And dessert with Aunt Ruth, Uncle Jack, Cousin Cathy, and her husband, Don!

We enjoyed Friday evening with the Rinehimers...

And since we were driving through Champaign on the way home, we met up with Mom and Hannah and caught the Illinois/Penn State game! (It was an orange out) -- our tradition every fall we're in America.  We are 0-3 in the win department.  Reni wonders why we still attend, ha ha!

Illinois, Week 3

On Sunday, September 17 we shared at my childhood church, Valley Chapel!

We love being so close to Grandpa Van! Below, Ellie plays tic-tac-toe!

On a whim, I thought we should probably get Ellie's eyes check.  Oh my!  Apparently her eyes had changed significantly and she was in dire need of a new prescription!

Another day we stopped by Schnuck's, a local grocery chain where my sister, Hannah, works!  We're so proud of her faithful employment there!

The next Sunday we spoke at Dillon Mennonite and enjoyed their annual missions potluck afterward, one of my all time favorites! 

The next week we were able to redeem all of our frequent flyer miles and accept an invitation by our Afghan friends who lived in Albania for six months, two years before. We flew out to Seattle and drove to Vancouver to visit them in their new home! We also coordinated our visit with our friend, Kami, who originally connected us with them.  They had never met Kami in person before, though she worked diligently with them for months to arrange their departure from Af-stan and medical treatment for J's brother, who was left behind.  We did not tell them Kami was coming too!

They had arranged a beautiful welcome for us!

''And so much food!!

We were pleased to see their boys were doing SO much better.  It's apparent they are feeling settled, absorbing English quite well.  Below, Nathan didn't need to offer much assistance in constructing the small toy we had brought.

On our second day they took us to Vancouver City and we enjoyed a beautiful fall day walking around Stanley Park.

We were so glad we were able to go and fulfill their heartfelt request that we visit. We pray for their continued transition and ultimately that they see God's loving hand on their lives. Shortly after we left, J accepted a job offer to work for Canada's social welfare system, helping other refugees like herself integrate into Canada. Her husband, meanwhile, continues to search for permanent employment.

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