

Futbol/Soccer/Football ... whatever you call it, we love it.

While the eyes of the world are on the World Cup in Qatar, futbol remains a big part of our life here, too!

This month our local boys traveled up to Shkodra to play a team coached by a friend serving with YWAM.  The time in the car riding up and back as well as time on the pitch continue to provide opportunities for character building!

A local news station came to amputee soccer practice to help raise awareness for recruiting new players and potential sponsors. 

When the electricity goes out in the village and your colleague's nation is playing in the world cup, you help him find a coffee bar with power and the game on TV! (below)

Every night since the Word Cup started, we have had Jeta open to show the 8PM match.  It's meant later bedtimes, but we've really enjoyed the extra time with our neighbors.

For those who may not have an interest in the nations on the pitch, we've had a puzzle table with a rotating group of folks working to complete a set of Star Wars puzzles that will make future artwork under Reni's loft bed.

We had a real dilemma when the World Cup conflicted with Nathan's favorite football game of the year -- Ohio State vs. Michigan!  After our team suffered a brutal loss, Reni bemoaned the heartache that befalls true fans.

Ultimately, we're thankful for the friendships formed through sport, the enjoyment of cheering for a home team, and the lessons we learn from hard work and discipline.

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