

Ellie Turns 15!!

Wow!  15!
Each year with this girl just gets sweeter.
And her life is a testimony to the miracles God has worked in her life to heal the broken places brought by her challenging start.

Covid/Quarantine sort of zapped my creativity when it came to planning a special day for her.  I had planned for visitors from America to bring a few special gifts, but obviously that didn't happen.  In a panic, I put out a plea on Facebook the night before for special birthday messages we could read to her throughout the day and WOW did our friends deliver! 

With roughly 300 personal messages from at least 8 different countries, she had lots to smile about all day long. Her heart was filled up with so many sweet messages of affirmation from people who have known her (and even some who have only known her from afar) at various stages throughout her life.  Their memories were sweetness to my soul as well!

Her birthday cake design was a surprise -- she only requested the flavors:  chocolate and pistachio.  Her dad outdid himself, though the design inspiration was swiped from the internet.

Her dress was supposed to be for a piano recital this month which will not happen... but her birthday was an equally fitting occasion!

Some of our closest friends in Albania joined us for lunch at Ellie's favorite restaurant -- our first indoor restaurant experience since February!

"Aunt Vera" has known Ellie from the beginning!  She loves telling the story of Ellie's first bath in Mom's kitchen sink.  She had never seen such a thing before and thought it was marvelously practical.

Miss Pam -- Ellie's teacher here since 2014!

For Ellie, it is all about waffles and bananas... and Nutella, of course.

And Nathan, burning the midnight oil to continue his tradition of a personalized cake for one of his kids. His best yet, I do believe!

We can hardly believe where the time has gone!  Lest we forget, the fact that you now wearing adult-sized clothes should remind us you are growing up!  And you are growing up into a beautiful young lady!  We are so proud of your desire to help around the house with chores, to love others well, to please the Lord in all you do, to be a good sister to your brother... Your heart is our favorite thing about you, thus we pray Proverbs 4 as you navigate these teen years: Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
We love you, Ellie girl! 

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