

Reni's New Legs | A Video Collection

In December, Reni got a new pair of prosthetic legs that have revolutionized his independence.  We've shared about that often but friends from afar kept asking us for videos to see them in action, so I've found a series of VERY short videos of them in use to post here.  Reni's not exactly keen on attention, so it's tricky to capture him, especially when he's most active!  He's rather quick!
NOTE:  if you are getting this post via e-mail, the videos might have links in the attachment, or you will need to actually visit this blog's online page (click here).

This first video is of him walking around the University of Kentucky hospital complex within minutes of putting his legs on for the first time.

While we waited to see the prosthetist for final approval to leave, I caught Reni practicing a few dance moves.  Here he is...

The next day we woke up to frost and a giant frozen puddle where we were staying.  He told me, "Mom, I want to see what it feels like to walk on ice!"

You can't imagine how our hearts rejoiced to see Reni overnight doing such 'typical' kid stuff like playing in the snow.  Below, he's playing outside with his cousin, Elisha.

The video below shows Reni engaged in a nerf war with some of his neighbor friends... He trips in the middle, but you see how he can bounce right back up...

In February Reni attended Night to Shine.  Nathan caught this brief clip of him showing off his moves.  But I think it might have more to do with his hips, than his legs, ha ha.

So this one is more just for fun than it is to show off Reni's mobility.  When you're in quarantine, it's the simple things one finds entertaining.  Like chasing a trespassing chicken out of the yard.

Thanks for caring about Reni and his development!  We are so thankful to Shriner's Children's Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky, for great service, and to his prosthetist, Eric Miller, who listened to our wishes and suggested these new legs which far surpassed our expectations of what he would be wearing at this age!

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