

Reni Turned 10!

Wow, this child cannot possibly be ten years old already, right? Every year that passes give us greater glimpses into the person he is becoming.  Funny, confident, fiercely independent, sensitive, honest (sometimes too much!), creative, loud.... these all describe him.

His present plans for the future?  To go to university, room with his best friends, start a series of businesses (to be his own boss and become Albania's first automobile manufacturer), and live in America but have a vacation house over here.

His loves?  Burger King, Minecraft (or any video game), Star Wars, his friends, America, sports cars, Nerf guns, sports, super heroes, Greek mythology...

This past year he started reading chapter books, but that slowed down considerably when he finished a series and had no interest in investing in new characters. We're hoping that his love of reading might return if we can just find the right books...

For a very long time it has been his dream to share his birthday with one of his best buddies, Levi, whose birthday falls the day after Reni's.  For one day they are the exact same age.  This year we were so happy that it worked out for Levi's family to come visit us from their home in Kosovo.  Enjoy these photos of the day!

Above, the two birthday boys.
Below, Levi's brother, Caleb, joined in the "Flash" fun.  Reni falls right between them in age so all three boys do everything together.

Not much beats a good grilled burger!

Then later than night we celebrated with cake #2 (a cheesecake) for Levi and Tiffany, whose birthdays were the following day....

Reni, you are dearly loved by so many!  Don't ever forget that!

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