

Limb Difference Awareness

I felt kind of dumb when I stumbled across the fact that this is Limb Difference Awareness month.
I know, there are so many of these causes attached to months and days of the year. but this is really one I should know by now, right?

Add to the fact that limb differences don't feel so different to us anymore, it is easy to forget that it IS different to so many people.  So in that case, it is good to shine a spotlight on the issue to increase our collective empathy and understanding.

For example, before we had Reni, I can't say that I seriously thought about issues like accessibility.  But right now, Nathan is going back and forth with an architect about handicap accessibility in a future bathroom design.  Once she finally made the stall large enough for wheelchair access, he had to go back and point out the impracticality of opening so many doors just to reach the bathroom in the first place.

I can't say I blame her, until you've struggled with opening that door while also pushing a stroller or wheelchair, getting to that soap dispenser from a non-standing position, reaching the upper levels of a building with no elevator and legs that don't work, or using a squatty potty when you don't have feet...certain struggles just don't cross your mind.

So we keep working.  Working on our understanding of struggles different than our own, working to help others where we can, working to be patient when we feel misunderstood. 

Signing off, a fellow learner.

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