The summer re-cap continues...
July started with our family together -- albeit briefly -- in the US.
For the kids, the highlight by far was more 'cousin time.'
Uncle Seth and Reni checking out some kind of rally race in Vermont on You Tube...
We continued our tradition of the 'farewell family photos' before the Vermont crew departed. It was extremely poignant to take this first photo without Dad. Pretty indescribable.
After the Vermont cousins left, we were treated to breakfast at Bob Evans by our friends who had just seen us in Albania. I think you can see Reni's joy below. And it wasn't just from eating pancakes and bacon.
The whole crew below.
Then more cousin and friend time in Delavan
Just missing Rebecca (below)
The time together was pretty short and before we knew it, it was time to put them on the bus to O'Hare...
This traveler can sleep anywhere
Apparently, Reni can negotiate anything, including getting an upgrade to first class on their flight from Chicago to New York.
Aaaand another sleeping Reni pic (this one back home in Albania) because this is what your body wants to do when you've skipped 7 time zones twice in seven days...
Ellie and I stayed in the States with Mom. When we had purchased our tickets, we didn't know how long Dad would linger, so we wanted to be sure we had ample time. In total, we would be gone exactly four weeks. The extra time in America was a blessing. For one, Mom didn't have an empty house immediately following the funeral. Secondarily, we were able to help process all the thank you cards for memorial gifts, food and flowers that were showered upon us. We also took to culling through Dad's belongings, which was no small task...
For Ellie, the days ebbed and flowed. To give her something to do we frequently visited the library and I fell in love all over again with America's perfectly climate-controlled public library system. I could visit several times a week. I would set up my laptop in a corner and Ellie would peruse the shelves for treasures and we never stayed long enough.
One day a dear friend set up an art class which Ellie adored...
...while next door I volunteered at my sister-in-law's bakery and deli. I had a lot of fun taking orders and swiping credit cards!
And extra time meant extra visits with family -- something that is more precious with each return trip home.
One evening we were invited to dinner at the home of our friends, the Bachmans. They also invited the Shrocks to join us. Linda (below right) writes me regularly in Albania and is such a source of encouragement. Supper that night was probably one of my favorite meals in the world: iced tea, grilled hamburgers, potato salad, corn on the cob, and baked beans. My mouth is watering...
Another day we were out and I ran into a dear high school friend. She wouldn't be the first... I ran into another I hadn't seen since our high school graduation 25 years ago!
While we had plenty to keep us busy, we also had the luxury to spend a few weekends down on the farm, windows and doors open to listen to the cicadas, feel the breezes, and watch the sun rise and set.
It was extremely therapeutic, giving us the space and quiet to process the loss of Dad. I wrote, we watched Dad's memorial service on video, we cooked, and took rides on the Gator...
Nathan, on the other hand, had his hands full back in Albania...
World Cup fever was running high as the finals approached. A crowd gathered at the center each night for the matches. Nathan even made a cake (I just discovered this pic below on his phone)...
Our friends, the Burkes, came to provide some training on orality/story telling (I was so disappointed to miss this!!) Reni found an instant friend in their son, Judah. He is all I heard about for weeks afterwards.
Nathan and Reni spent three days up in Kosovo for more studies and a time of debriefing. They stayed with our friends, the George family, who run a large guest house. Nathan said he didn't see Reni hardly at all the entire duration of the visit -- he was having so much fun with his buddies!
Back in Albania again... if you are a friend of Nathan in the summer time, chances are you will likely be treated to ice cream. A new bakery in Maminas makes their own ice cream for a very reasonable price. I think Nathan and Reni and friends were loyal customers!
Our backyard neighbors have twins who celebrated a birthday. Reni was invited to their party and as you can tell, wasn't so sure what to do as he was the oldest by about four years and they were
girls. :-)
Nathan's sister Rebecca then came for a visit! Below, they took her to Cape of Rodon National Park for some hiking and beautiful vistas...
Meanwhile, back in the USA.... Ellie and I did some shopping for goodies to bring back. Shopping is truly mind boggling in the land o' plenty.
We also had a special treat of a visit from our friend Charisse and her sister, Chantal. They drove all the way from Indiana for a day visit.
Then, the cousins returned from Vermont! They had a previously scheduled visit to Illinois from months earlier, so we were able to see them again!
The cherry on top of it all, was the opportunity to see a lot of my first cousins at an informal lunch hosted by Mom and her sisters the day I flew out. Because our flight wasn't until after 10PM in Chicago, Ellie and I were able to attend the cookout at the Farm. Below, a little after lunch 'talent show' with a rap by the youngest generation from
Big thanks to our friend, Kristi, who graciously drove Ellie and I all the way up to O'Hare so we could linger longer (the bus would have required we leave earlier in the day). As for my outfit below, I know. I look like condiments. I blame it on packing light and having few layering option. :-)
with my sister, Jenny |
Before I knew it, we were in Istanbul, where we ran into some friends waiting at the gate for the flight to Tirana. It helped the time pass much more quickly. Sadly, they had returned to the States for the same reason as us...
Departing Istanbul
The first 48 hours home were a blur. Thanks to my cell phone, I see that I got to meet this cutie... his mother teaches English at our center.
This, sadly, appears to by my only photo of Rebecca on my cell phone from the few days she had remaining in her visit after I got home. I vaguely remember her helping me unpack our four suitcases. That always earns bonus stars in my book. I can't unpack quickly enough after traveling.
Then it was to the airport to say 'goodbye!' I was so sorry our visit together didn't turn out how we expected!
Then the very next day we were back at the airport on the 27th to pick up our friends from Georgia!
And I will wrap up this post here. Their visit deserves its own post. :-)
Until next time...